Online List Shuffler

Randomly shuffle the order of elements in the list


Tool Introduction

Online list shuffler can randomly shuffle the order of elements in a given list, generating a new list of elements in a random order.

Whether you need to handle to-do lists, student rosters, random draws, or require randomized data in programming or game development, the list shuffler generator can provide you with efficient and convenient randomization services.

With simple operations, online list shuffler generator can rearrange the input list elements in random order, ensuring that each generated result is unique.

list shuffler generator supports various input formats, such as text, numbers, and more, making it convenient for users to handle different types of data.

How to use

1. Input List

Enter the list of elements to be shuffled into the tool, either line by line or by copying and pasting. If you have any questions, you can refer to the examples.

2. Generate Results

Click the shuffle button, and the random list shuffler tool will instantly generate a randomly ordered list.

3. Output Results

You can copy the results to the clipboard or download them as an Excel file for further use.

Application scenarios

Education sector

Teachers can use the list shuffler generator to randomly arrange student lists for fair grouping, seat selection, or answering questions.

Random draw

In various lottery activities, organizers can input the participant list into the list shuffler generator to generate a random list of winners, ensuring the fairness of the draw process.

To-do list

Office workers can input their daily task list into the list shuffler generator to perform tasks in a random order, adding fun to their work or study.

Programming and development

In the process of programming and game development, developers can use the list shuffler generator to generate random data to test the performance and stability of applications.


Online list shuffler generator can be used to randomize characters, items, or tasks in games, enhancing the randomness and fun of the game.
